Diane 35

Diane 35 Mechanism of Action

cyproterone + ethinylestradiol




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Pharmacology: Pharmacodynamics: The pilosebaceous unit - consisting of the sebaceous gland and the hair follicle - is an androgen-sensitive skin component. Acne, seborrhea, hirsutism and androgenetic alopecia are clinical conditions resulting from aberrations of this target organ which may be caused by increased sensitivity or higher plasma levels of androgen. Both substances contained in Cyproterone acetate + Ethinylestradiol (Diane 35) influence beneficially the hyperandrogenic state: Cyproterone acetate is a competitive antagonist on the androgen receptor, has inhibitory effects on the androgen-synthesis in target cells and produces a decrease of the androgen blood concentration through an antigonadotropic effect. This antigonadotropic effect is amplified by ethinylestradiol which up-regulates as well the synthesis of Sexual-Hormone-Binding-Globulin (SHBG) in plasma. It thereby reduces free, biologically available androgen in the circulation.
Post Authorization Safety Studies (PASS) have shown that the frequency of VTE diagnosis ranges between 7-10 per 10,000 woman years in low estrogen dose (< 50 μg ethinylestradiol) COC users. The most recent data suggest that the frequency of VTE diagnosis is approximately 4 per 10,000 woman years in non-pregnant non-COC users, and ranges between 20 to 30 per 10,000 pregnant women or postpartum.
Treatment with Cyproterone acetate + Ethinylestradiol (Diane 35) leads - usually after 3 to 4 months of therapy - to the healing of existing acne efflorescences. The excessive greasiness of the hair and skin generally disappears earlier. In women experiencing mild forms of hirsutism and, in particular, slightly increased facial hair, results do not, however, become apparent until after several months of use.
The contraceptive effect of Cyproterone acetate + Ethinylestradiol (Diane 35) is based on the interaction of various factors, the most important of which are seen as the inhibition of ovulation and the changes in the cervical secretion. In addition to protection against pregnancy, estrogen/progestogen combinations have - besides adverse properties (see Warnings under Precautions, Adverse Reactions) - positive properties: The cycle is more regular and the menstruation is often less painful and bleeding is lighter. The latter may result in a decrease in the occurrence of iron deficiency.
Pharmacokinetics: Cyproterone acetate: Absorption: Orally administered cyproterone acetate is rapidly and completely absorbed. Peak serum concentrations of 15 ng/mL are reached at about 1.6 hours after single ingestion. Bioavailability is about 88 %.
Distribution: Cyproterone acetate is almost exclusively bound to serum albumin. Only 3.5 - 4.0 % of the total serum drug concentrations are present as free steroid. The ethinylestradiol-induced increase in SHBG does not influence the serum protein binding of cyproterone acetate. The apparent volume of distribution of cyproterone acetate is about 986±437 L.
Metabolism: Cyproterone acetate is almost completely metabolized. The main metabolite in plasma was identified as 15β-OH-CPA which is formed via the cytochrome P450 enzyme CYP3A4. The clearance rate from serum is about 3.6 mL/min/kg.
Elimination: Cyproterone acetate serum levels decrease in two phases which are characterized by half-lives of about 0.8 h and about 2.3 - 3.3 days. Cyproterone acetate is partly excreted in unchanged form. Its metabolites are excreted at a urinary to biliary ratio of about 1:2. The half-life of metabolite excretion is about 1.8 days.
Steady-state conditions: Cyproterone acetate pharmacokinetics are not influenced by SHBG levels. Following daily ingestion drug serum levels increase about 2.5-fold reaching steady-state conditions during the second half of a treatment cycle.
Ethinylestradiol: Absorption: Orally administered ethinylestradiol is rapidly and completely absorbed. Peak serum concentrations of about 71 pg/mL are reached at 1.6 hours. During absorption and first-liver passage, ethinylestradiol is metabolized extensively, resulting in a mean oral bioavailability of about 45% with a large interindividual variation of about 20-65%.
Distribution: Ethinylestradiol is highly but non-specifically bound to serum albumin (approximately 98%), and induces an increase in the serum concentrations of SHBG. An apparent volume of distribution of about 2.8 - 8.6 L/kg was determined.
Metabolism: Ethinylestradiol is subject to presystemic conjugation in both small bowel mucosa and the liver. Ethinylestradiol is primarily metabolized by aromatic hydroxylation but a wide variety of hydroxylated and methylated metabolites are formed, and these are present as free metabolites and as conjugates with glucuronides and sulfate. The clearance rate was reported to be about 2.3 - 7 mL/min/kg.
Elimination: Ethinylestradiol serum levels decrease in two disposition phases characterized by half-lives of about 1 hour and 10 - 20 hours, respectively. Unchanged drug is not excreted; ethinylestradiol metabolites are excreted at a urinary to biliary ratio of 4:6. The half-life of metabolite excretion is about 1 day.
Steady-state conditions: Steady-state conditions are reached during the second half of a treatment cycle when serum drug levels are higher by 60 % as compared to single dose.
Toxicology: Preclinical safety data: Ethinylestradiol: The toxicity profile of ethinylestradiol is well known. There are no preclinical data of relevance to the prescriber that provide additional safety information to those already included in other sections of the product information.
Cyproterone acetate: Systemic toxicity: Preclinical data reveal no specific risk for humans based on conventional studies of repeated dose toxicity.
Embryotoxicity/teratogenicity: Investigations into embryotoxicity using the combination of the two active ingredients showed no effects indicative of a teratogenic effect following treatment during organogenesis before development of the external genital organs. Administration of cyproterone acetate during the hormone-sensitive differentiation phase of the genital organs led to signs of feminization in male fetuses following higher doses. Observation of male newborn children who had been exposed in utero to cyproterone acetate did not show any signs of feminization. However, pregnancy is a contraindication for the use of Cyproterone acetate + Ethinylestradiol (Diane 35).
Genotoxicity and carcinogenicity: Recognized first-line tests of genotoxicity gave negative results when conducted with cyproterone acetate. However, further tests showed that cyproterone acetate was capable of producing adducts with DNA (and an increase in DNA repair activity) in liver cells from rats and monkeys and also in freshly isolated human hepatocytes, the DNA-adduct level in dog liver cells was extremely low.
This DNA-adduct formation occurred at systemic exposures that might be expected to occur in the recommended dose regimens for cyproterone acetate. In vivo consequences of cyproterone acetate treatment were the increased incidence of focal, possibly pre-neoplastic, liver lesions in which cellular enzymes were altered in female rats, and an increase of mutation frequency in transgenic rats carrying a bacterial gene as target for mutations.
Clinical experience and well conducted epidemiological trials to date would not support an increased incidence of hepatic tumors in man. Nor did investigations into the tumorigenicity of cyproterone acetate in rodents reveal any indication of a specific tumorigenic potential.
However, it must be borne in mind that sexual steroids can promote the growth of certain hormone-dependent tissues and tumors.
On the whole, the available findings do not raise any objection to the use of Cyproterone acetate + Ethinylestradiol (Diane 35) in humans if used in accordance with the directions for the given indication and at the recommended dose.
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